An Overview of Life Healthcare Abu Dhabi

In the past years, Abu Dhabi had to deal with a few infectious diseases. However, the life healthcare Abu Dhabi sector quickly implements various measures to protect the population against prevalent diseases.  On the preventive side, the government of Abu Dhabi has reached 100% coverage of urban as well as rural areas’ sanitation and clean … Read more

Construction Business Philippines and Its Opportunity

The pandemic hit all nations around the world, including the Philippines. After the attack of the pandemic, the construction business Philippines is now expected to grow again in 2021. This industry is expected to grow at the annual average rage which is 8.3% until 2024. Before the pandemic, the construction industry in the Philippines was … Read more

A Glance of Malaysia Technology Trends and the Opportunity They Offer

As one of the emerging economies in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is a great technology investment destination. The tech industry in this country has been growing rapidly for the last several years. However, companies must be aware of the new Malaysia technology trends in order to thrive. The covid-19 pandemic has transformed Malaysia consumer trends, behavior, … Read more

Post Covid Business Opportunity Southeast Asia to Accelerate Economic Recovery

Covid-19 definitely has affected business and national economies in countries around the world. When the corona case decreases, most of countries in the world, especially Southeast Asian countries start to rise. People start to seek post covid business opportunity Southeast Asia. Each country in Southeast Asia realizes that without covid-19 vaccine it seems impossible to … Read more

Several Considerations to Conduct Working during Pandemic

Working during pandemic has its own challenges, especially after many countries undergo lockdown to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Working from home or remote working now becomes the option to make the companies keep running while also taking care of the heatlh needs of the employees. Although working from home currently becomes the best practice … Read more

3 Essential Parts of Cultural Due Diligence Process

There are at least two types of due diligence, the traditional one and the cultural one. Instead of conducting the traditional due diligence, the cultural one is much more recommended, especially in M&A. It is crucial to understand the complete cultural due diligence process. Cultural due diligence is extremely important since M&A is an organizational … Read more